This is the ASM-One Tips Central

Here I collected some general tips collected when I worked with ASM-One
But you can also read the ASM-One AmigaGuide, which contains loads of information.

Assembling faster without hardware expansions

ASM-One allowes you to use labels/symbols up to 32 characters. That's more than enough
to make those labels/symbols crisp and clear, so you know afterwards what you where
coding B-)

When assembling, these labels/symbols are put in a tabel with there corresponding value
(EQU's) or addresses. ASM-One uses this tabel to check for double labels/symbols, and to
cross-reference them against there value's

When you use long labels/symbols, a lot of characters have to be copied and/or compared
with the labels/symbols in the tabel. If you use short labels/symbols, less characters have
to be copied and/or compared with the tabel.

So: the shorter the labels, the faster ASM-One will assemble your source. In big sources on
a slower Amiga, you will certainly benefit from this.

Uncheck UpCase = LowCase

You can change this in the preferences.

It may not assemble your source faster, but the changes you have double labels/symbols
will be very little.

Besides, all Amiga includes are case DEPENDEND.

Note: ASM-One's search and replace routines are case INDEPENDEND

Use INCSRC when u are altering includes a lot

INCSRC gives you the possibility to include sources from within ASM-One itself. This
means you can include source 1 into source 0.

When you use INCSRC, you don't have to save your include and use ZI to flush
the includes. The included source will be reassembled automatically. You can save a lot of
time with this directive, when you have a source with a lot of includes, and are working on
one of the includes.

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